Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yap Dog What Are Some Small Breeds Of Dog With Friendly Dispositions?

What are some small breeds of dog with friendly dispositions? - yap dog

I answer some of the options for smaller breeds of dog ... cavoodles Thus, for example, or any other breed of dog with a friendly attitude towards people of all ages. I do not want a dog that barks or bark a lot .... Ideas?


Yorkie Mum said...

The race did not matter, just to make you a puppy well socialized and are continuing their education. I have a Yorkie and he is an angel who loves all and found all the dogs. We bought a family, the children and had kept at home, he already had all sorts of people, if we have them. We provide all our friends who urged the people on the street to say hello and took him to many of these dogs to meet and took courses puppies.

What you can not train yappy, barking dog, and they hold to be exercised and, too tired to bother, Yap all day!

If you are the perfect dog, just the work

Good luck.

Loki my springer! said...

The 3 best in my opinion

1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
2. West Highland Terrier
3. Beagle

All are small dogs with big personalities

The following additional information:
http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/cavalierking ...
http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/westhighland ...


I had a poodle for 18 years. Was

1. Intelligent and easy to learn, something to a.
2. Meticulous and extremely Broken Home.
3. Do not ever throw.
4. Barked for a few moments, if the company meets or
no reason for the bell. It was also in the cortex of the night when
There are strange sounds.
5. He was careful of strangers, but that would be seen once / Felt
We were quiet.
6. Good with children, if they do not care about the post.
7. Leal and my side for 18 years ... I sorely miss ...

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